Greetings HFC Family,
The Hope Fellowship Church family is committed to a 21-day Consecration. We take this sacred time of prayer and fasting seriously as we look forward to what God has in store for us collectively and individually this year. During the consecration, spend time reading scripture, praying, and listening to the voice of God. I encourage you to journal what you hear God speaking.
Throughout the consecration, meditate on God’s direction for yourself, your family, the community, and our church. I believe our obedience and commitment to this time of consecration will result in a strengthened and renewed spirit and a healthier you for this New Year. I love you and pray for God's blessings and favor upon your life in 2025!
Pastor Daniels
*If you have any known medical conditions or think you have a medical condition, consult your doctor before beginning the fast.
January 6, 2025 to January 26, 2025
FAST Options:
Daniel Fast - For three weeks, Daniel, who was a prophet during a time when Israel lived in exile, abstained only from "delicacies" like meat and wine (Daniel 10:3). During this fast you will remove meats, sweets, breads, and foods that bring you pleasure.
Daily Fast - Daily until 3 P.M. (ninth hour, see Acts 10:30-31).
In this type of fast you will abstain from eating between a time period. You have the flexibility to adjust the time.
The key is not the timing of your fast, however it’s the strength of your focus on God as you fast.
Questions for meditation during consecration
Write out the answers so you can refer back to them throughout the 21 days.
What do you hear Jesus saying to you about consecration?
What is he trying to reveal that may be hindering you from flourishing spiritually?
What fruit in your life is revealing a root of unbelief or carnality?
Why should this matter to you?
How are you going to let Jesus use this to harmonize you with His Kingdom?
In what ways do you sense Jesus prompting you out of consumerism and into living selflessly?
How is all of the above vital to your walk with God AND just as importantly, the eternity of others around you?
Fasting is abstaining from food, or pleasurable things for a period of time for the purpose of consecrating oneself to the Lord. The reason for fasting is to tune out the flesh and focus on the Spirit. Fasting helps us bring our natural appetites into submission so that we can be tuned in to God.
Romans 8 tells us that “as many as are led by the Spirit, they are the sons of God.” Therefore we fast to bring our hearts and minds into focused obedience to the Word and voice of God in our lives. Because of this, during our 21 Day consecration, we will be following a schedule that includes fasting.
Foods: Vegetables, fruits, soups, broth, fruit, nuts, whole grains, seeds, smoothies, water, pure fruit juice.
If you need something a little more, Grilled/broiled fish is allowed (no fried foods)
Avoid: Fried food, sweets, caffeine, carbonated drinks (soda, etc.) sugar, syrups, leavened breads (w/yeast), candy, chips, processed foods, and meats.
*If you are on a specific diet for health reasons, make sure you follow it.
During the Consecration, you should fast from things that can be distracting, such as, social media, gaming or television, etc. These areas are specific to the individual. We know what is distracting us from focusing on the Lord.
Receiving God's best blessing from a consecration requires solid commitment. Make Sure You:
• Arrange a special time each day with God. This is crucial in attaining intimate communion with the Father.
• Devote yourself to seeking God's face, especially during those times in which you feel weak or vulnerable.
• Read His Word and pray during your regular mealtimes.
• Meditate on Him when you awake in the night.
• Sing praises to Him whenever you please.
• Focus on your Heavenly Father and make every act one of praise and worship.
• Keep your conversation Holy, No Gossiping or negative conversations.