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The HOPE Special Offering is a call to sacrificial giving. Together, we can accomplish the goal of $100,000 and fully fund the six important ministry and mission initiatives of this offering.

INVEST IN GLOBAL MISSIONSWe are a church that supports missions. This focus will continue as we assist missionaries around the globe who are reaching out to every identified people group, especially those in highly unchurched countries.

PROVIDE HOPE TO THOSE WHO DON’T KNOW JESUS - There are millions of people in our sphere of influence who don’t have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. The IMPACT Special Offering will help expand our evangelism efforts here in NYC, including our Servant Evangelism efforts and other creative outreaches.

AID THE LESS FORTUNATE IN OUR CITY - We are a church that serves “the least of these.” Through the HOPE Special Offering we have a unique opportunity to help those in the greatest need in our city, both spiritually and physically. We will continue to partner with local organizations that are really making a difference in the lives of the less fortunate in our city.

CARE FOR THOSE WHO ARE HURTING IN OUR CHURCH - We are a church that comes alongside of those in our church who are struggling financially and emotionally. Since 2010, our church has served hundreds of people during their time of greatest need. The Benevolence Ministry has allowed us to come alongside of people in distress due to sudden health challenges, difficult financial times, a loss of a housing, or a death in the family. We look forward to meeting these needs again in 2017.

TEACH THE NEXT GENERATION ABOUT JESUS - We’re a church that loves to invest in children and families. In 2017, our goal is to grow the Hope Kidz ministry faster than ever before, so in 2017 we hope to continue investing in and expanding our ministry to children and their families.

MAXIMIZE OUR Garner LocationIn 2010 we stepped out on faith and expanded into our current church home. In 2017, we will launch out and expand Hope's campus to extend our reach across the Triangle for Jesus. We hope to maximize our location so that we can reach more people with the love of Jesus.

You can choose to make a one-time contribution or establish a recurring contribution. Also, once you have set up your easyTithe account you’ll be able to track your easyTithe giving history and modify your giving and banking information at any time.  Please click HERE for access to our safe, secure Online Giving application.






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